
Everything You Need To Know Before Traveling For The Tokyo Olympics 2021

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The three core concepts for the Tokyo Olympics 2021 are “Achieving Personal Best,” “Connecting to Tomorrow,” and “Unity in Diversity.” Due to the pandemic, we’ve really discovered the importance of the latter as we work together through these difficult times globally and find hope in the games of a soon normal life again.

As exciting as it is that the games will go ahead this Summer in Tokyo, it is important to remember to be safe. In these unprecedented times, if you are still planning on traveling to Tokyo for the games, we’ve created a list of things to keep in mind before traveling. 

  1. Travel Restrictions. All air passengers are required to show a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of your departure. Once you land in Japan, you will be required to take an additional COVID-19 test and self-isolate for 14 days. Here is a link to the entry and exit requirements to Japan for Canada. Continue to monitor the travel restrictions as your departure date approaches.

  1. Travel Medical Insurance & COVID-19 Insurance. Travel Insurance has never been so important, but also coverage for any COVID-19 related expenses. Although it is not mandatory when traveling to Japan, it’s highly recommended especially with the current state of emergency. Japan has a national health insurance system which is available to foreigners, however medical caregivers in Japan do require proof of ability to pay and often pay in advance before treating a traveller. It’s important to compare prices and the activities covered for your trip. Read into your policy and ensure you have the right coverage for you. 

  1. Mask. We understand that flights to Tokyo can be as long as 16 hours and maybe even more, depending where you are departing from. It’s difficult to wear an uncomfortable mask that long, however, they are still mandatory as seen here. A less protective and more comfortable mask can do the job in flight, but for high-risk activities, we recommend bringing a more protective, less comfortable mask like a N95 mask or something similar. To learn more about the optimal ways to prevent transmission of COVID-19, visit the Government of Canada site here. 

  1. TSA PreCheck. Long security lines can be a higher risk activity from a transmission standpoint, so take advantage of TSA PreCheck. It costs $100 for a Global Entry, five year membership and allows you to go through significantly shorter security lines at the airport and the ability to move faster through the line. If you are a Global Entry, NEXUS or SENTRI member,  your membership number can be used in airline reservations to receive TSA PreCheck. Here is a link to find more information about TSA PreCheck applications, and more.

As excited as we all are for things to go back to normal, it’s important to keep in mind not only ours, but the safety of our loved ones as well. We wish our participating athletes the best of luck in the games and safe travels. Download Goose and get Travel and COVID-19 Insurance in 60 seconds.